Retirement Plans

Business Retirement Plans

Plan Sponsor: As a business owner, you’re likely most concerned with taking care of your valued employees and protecting your own personal liability and future.  You may have anxiety about your fiduciary and legal responsibilities when it comes to your retirement plan.  We are here to help alleviate those concerns and to design a plan that will help you accomplish all of your goals.  Our clients sleep well at night knowing that they have entrusted an experienced and knowledgeable advisory team to manage their plan.

As a standard practice at Copper Harbor Investment Advisors, we will:

  • Show you the costs and benefits of different plans and help you select the right one.
  • Show you how to improve employee participation.
  • Help you understand and comply with regulations to ensure your fiduciary responsibilities are met.
  • Conduct group meetings with your employees to help them understand the valuable benefit you’re providing.
  • Explain the resources and tools available today on various retirement platforms to improve your employees’ overall financial wellness.
  • Assist in monitoring your plan’s investment and performance.
  • Assist with enrollments for new employees.

Plan Participants: Our retirement plans include state-of-the-art resources and tools combined with individual communication to make informed decisions. Content and communications with participants can be customized based on their preferences.  Tools are available to ensure their financial wellness and to help them prepare for their future. We also offer periodic participant education meetings.

Call or email Jesse Nelson or Robert Moore to schedule a time to review your current retirement plan.

Phone: 920-441-0300

If you have any questions, or would like to set up an appointment with Jesse Nelson please fill out the information below.
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